What’s going on?
Take a look at what’s happening here at Eastminster
A Heart For Mission - Dr. Fred Foy
Join Drs. Fred Foy & Cecily Strang on African Missions
Looking forward to tomorrow.
9:00 and 10:30 services

Midweek Blessings
Join us as we learn how to make our prayer time genuinely meaningful.

Men’s Night
Tuesday, January 24 at 6 PM the guys will meet at Smokey Bones in Melbourne. Text or call Craig McCall at 321-652-9011 to RSVP!

Ladies Night Out
Tuesday, January 24 at 6 PM the ladies will meet at The Olive Garden in West Melbourne. The contact to RSVP is andersonca64@gmail.com. See you there!

Midweek Blessings
Join us as we learn how to make our prayer time genuinely meaningful.

Wired Word Study
Join us every Saturday at 7:00 PM after service in the Fellowship Hall Library, and Sunday at 9:15 AM in the River Room before the 10:30 service for a modern look at current events through a Biblical lens with Pastor Darice. We hope to see you there!

Wired Word Study
Join us every Saturday at 7:00 PM after service in the Fellowship Hall Library, and Sunday at 9:15 AM in the River Room before the 10:30 service for a modern look at current events through a Biblical lens with Pastor Darice. We hope to see you there!

Food Truck Thursdays
Food Truck Thursdays return beginning Thursday, Jan 12, from 5 to 7 pm! We hope to see you there!

Midweek Blessings
Join us as we learn how to make our prayer time genuinely meaningful.

Christmas at Eastminster
Join us for Christmas at Eastminster - Service will begin at 10:30 AM, Sunday, December 25.

Christmas Eve
Join us Saturday, December 24 for our Christmas Eve services! 5:00 PM will be a family service, and at 7:00 PM we will have a traditional candlelight service. We hope to see you there.

Christmas Eve
Join us Saturday, December 24 for our Christmas Eve services! 5:00 PM will be a family service, and at 7:00 PM we will have a traditional candlelight service. We hope to see you there.

Christmas Fun
Join your EPC family for a night of Christmas Fun! We'll gather at 4:30 to form teams to go CAROLING to some of our members and friends. We invite all who enjoy singing and also anyone who has an instrument they can carry to join us! Our wonderful kitchen volunteers are preparing a CHILI SUPPER with all the fixins' that starts at 5:30. All are invited to attend, whether you go caroling or not. Bring your fanciest desserts - pies, cakes, or cookies only, please - for our DESSERT AUCTION. Jack Rowley, our auctioneer extraordinaire, will be encouraging you to raise your bids to benefit our growing children's programs. We hope you'll come and wear your best UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER for the chance to take home the glory!

Let There Be Christmas
Join us this Sunday in the Sanctuary for a special Christmas Cantata service at 10:30 AM!

Fa La La Friday
Friday, December 9, we will be celebrating the holiday season with our Fa La La Friday event! There will be all kinds of holiday fun, including photos with Santa. We hope you all can make it!

Holiday Luncheon for Widows and Widowers
We will be hosting a Holiday luncheon for widows, and widowers on Wednesday, December 7 at 11:30am. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Call the church office at 321-723-8371 to reserve your spot!

Advent Lectio Divina with Mike Dunn
Lectio Divina is an ancient contemplative approach to listening for God in scripture. In place of Wired Word Mike Dunn will be teaching this course for Advent.
It will take place at 7:00PM on Saturdays after the EPiC service in the Library, and at 9:15 to 10:15AM on Sunday mornings before 10:30AM worship service in the River Room.

Advent Lectio Divina with Mike Dunn
Lectio Divina is an ancient contemplative approach to listening for God in scripture. In place of Wired Word Mike Dunn will be teaching this course for Advent.
It will take place at 7:00PM on Saturdays after the EPiC service in the Library, and at 9:15 to 10:15AM on Sunday mornings before 10:30AM worship service in the River Room.

Messiah Singalong presented by Eastminster Presbyterian Church & The Space Coast Symphony
Eastminster Prebyterian Church & The Space Coast Symphony present: Messiah Singalong

Advent Lectio Divina with Mike Dunn
Lectio Divina is an ancient contemplative approach to listening for God in scripture. In place of Wired Word Mike Dunn will be teaching this course for Advent.
It will take place at 7:00PM on Saturdays after the EPiC service in the Library, and at 9:15 to 10:15AM on Sunday mornings before 10:30AM worship service in the River Room.

The Wired Word Study
Join us every Satuday for a modern study of current events provided by Pastor Darice!

Advent Lectio Divina with Mike Dunn
Lectio Divina is an ancient contemplative approach to listening for God in scripture. In place of Wired Word Mike Dunn will be teaching this course for Advent.
It will take place at 7:00PM on Saturdays after the EPiC service in the Library, and at 9:15 to 10:15AM on Sunday mornings before 10:30AM worship service in the River Room.

Brown Bag Bible Study
Brown Bag Bible Study with Pastor Fred Foy Strang - Wednesdays from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. We hope to see you there!
Become A Volunteer
The Church on the River with a Lot of Heart.
Eastminster is long-recognized in our community as a loving church that cares — a church that responds to both needs and opportunities in Jesus’ name. Eastminster is serving in the name of Christ within the Church, throughout the community and the world!